Culture Worlds

Beauty through the lens of
People, Brands + Culture

Welcome to the era of Beauty 3.0...

A new era of beauty is upon us, and definitions of what beauty is and who it is for are changing.

This new landscape is all about challenging the status quo. In 2023, beauty is defined by how you feel and meeting the standard of your own expectations, not the ones that society has put upon you.

Beauty 3.0 is a gender-inclusive movement built upon core values of accessibility, diversity and inclusion. It rejects stereotypes and the brands who perpetuate them.

For anyone operating in this space, it’s crucial that they understand the lay of the land and where the movement is heading.

Through our work and thought leadership we've explored what the culture of genderless beauty looks like for young people across the world and how we can connect brands to the world of beauty beyond the binary.

Our clients in the beauty and wellness space are coming to us to better understand how to connect or reconnect with their audiences - whether through culture, breaking tired formats or building worlds through more connected storytelling.