Oculus Connect

Amplify + Facebook highlight all that's new with virtual reality...


Amplify were challenged to design the keynote and demo hall space for the yearly VR conference, Oculus Connect at the San Jose Convention Centre.


Oculus believe that VR/AR/MR is where incredible things can be created, communicated and shared. Oculus were keen to show how the entire space could be built as if it were all made in VR. Bringing our audience closer to the product and unlocking it’s full potential.

VR/AR provides a different perspective to the usual world...

...Use this approach to create a space that immerses the audience into a new world. We used this immersive all round approach to design a keynote and demo hall that allowed our audience to experience the physical space in environments that mirrored VR/AR/MR.


Each year we set about creating a unique Keynote canvas that gave our audience a different viewpoint, mirroring the worlds of VR/AR/MR. To do this we created a series of canvases that either replicated the feeling of watching something in an Oculus headset, or that gave the keynote a sense of 3D that mirrors the change in perspective that you have in AR/MR.

Further more we moved the 2D visual identities into a motion graphic environments and provided the interstitial elements that stitched all of the keynote and speakers together, providing a clear consistency of content that maximised the design of the keynote stage.

Demo Hall

We looked to create a space that not only brought to life the key characteristics of the VR/MR/AR product demos, but also looked to provide those not immersed in the technology, a way to be engaged.

With Oculus Quest being the focal point, we brought to life key titles in the main demo hall by creating playing spaces that replicated the games themselves or the environments gamers would naturally play these games in. Half tennis courts, Half lounges gave our audience the sense of playing tennis at home or on the court for Sports Scramble. Our futuristic Superhot booths replicated the games white and red colour palette and unusual game design.

Further to this we created an engaging VR Esports arena that staged a two day competition bringing together some of the worlds best VR Esports teams to a packed audience.