Building a Better Future Through Brand Activism: Insights and Strategies at SXSW 2023

Published by: SXSW
Date: 24/02/2023

SXSW is taking a major step in promoting brand activism, diversity, equity, and inclusion through its Advertising and Brand Experience track. From March 10-14 in Austin, TX, this track will bring together marketing professionals, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders to discuss the latest trends in the industry.

At the Conference, attendees will have the chance to dive into discussions during sessions covering brand activism and how companies can better connect with their community through policy action, storytelling, genuine connections, and hands-on marketing techniques.

Brand Activism

People want the brands they support to be doing their part in making the world a better place, and they want to know all the details of how it's being done. By engaging in brand activism, companies have the opportunity to build a loyal following passionate about the same causes. The sessions Brand Activism: No More Business as Usual and Corporate Activism: Speaking Out and Taking Action are perfect for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of how to better connect with the community. Speakers include Christopher Miller (Ben & Jerry's), Corley Kenna (Patagonia), Ivan Frishberg (Amalgamated Bank), Jamira Burley (NAME), LaTosha Brown (Black Voters Matter Fund), Lisa Boyd (Lyft), Sue Jacobson (Jacobson Strategic Communications), and Tracy Sturdivant (The League). Panelists will discuss how corporations have the opportunity, and responsibility, to join with other corporate and nonprofit leaders and other stakeholders in addressing social issues.

Immersive Storytelling

Storytelling as a tool is one of the most impactful ways to sway, educate, and motivate others. Join Kristofer Crockett (The LEGO Group), Judy Lee (Pinterest), Jeavon Smith (Amplify), and Alex Wilson (Amplify) to explore how immersive storytelling puts audiences at the center. Tap into their panel, Worldbuilding: Co-creating Immersive Storytelling and uncover how top brands, entertainment companies and culture shapers design and craft worlds with audience participation and shareability in mind, helping cement your brand’s wider influence on culture.

Art and immersive storytelling techniques are powerful in helping shift perspective, boost our resilience, spur learning, and create unforgettable memories. Learn how the essence of storytelling led by human connections and integrated marketing can endure cultural involvement in the next era of the internet. Hear from Maira Genovese founder and president of MG Empower for a thought-provoking session with Storytelling for Cultural Credibility in Web 3.0.

Read the full article here on SXSW.